This site will provide a real-time validation of board certification and *reportable disciplinary actions issued by NCCPA since 2012.
Disciplinary actions were found. Click below to obtain further details via mail or email.
Reportable disciplinary actions – None
Records of disciplinary actions prior to 2012 may not be available, unless the PA remains in revoked status.
This information is provided by NCCPA as a service to those seeking information about board certification status and/or disciplinary action(s) taken against a physician assistant. NCCPA recommends using this online system as the real-time primary source of verification of board certification status. The use of certificates and/or wallet cards for verification purposes is discouraged as the documents may be altered.
The information obtained from this website is to be used solely for the purpose of verification of a physician assistant's board certification and may not be used for solicitation or any other purposes.
This information is provided by NCCPA as a service to those seeking information about board certification status and/or disciplinary action(s) taken against a physician assistant. NCCPA recommends using this online system as the real-time primary source of verification of board certification status. The use of certificates and/or wallet cards for verification purposes is discouraged as the documents may be altered.